Burbank Lemon Law Lawyers


California Lemon Law Lawyers® will fight to get you the maximum compensation you deserve. And by utilizing Email, phone and/or virtual meetings, we strive to make your experience convenient and hassle free. But if you prefer, then you can make an appointment to come to our Beverly Hills office (minutes away from Burbank, CA.

We serve clients throughout the California including Burbank, and it’s our goal to provide each and every one of them with a great experience. We can help you if you have a lemon law claim and live in Burbank, CA. Get the Attention you deserve with no upfront fees!

  1. No recovery, no fee policy!
  2. Zero out of pocket costs to you!
  3. Aggressive lemon law lawyers!
  4. We only handle CA lemon law cases!
  5. We have a 99.8% success rate!
  6. Rated five star on google, avvo and yelp!
  7. Staffed with a dedicated & caring legal team!

Normally, the California Lemon Law in Burbank is applicable to cars that the dealerships could not repair within the warranty cycle after receiving a reasonable number of chances. For qualifying cars or trucks, the manufacturer must return the consumer their money back in addition to repay the outstanding loan balance.

Our Burbank Lemon Law Lawyers can help you in the event that you happen to be in this situation. The California “Lemon Law” also requires that the car manufacturer pay for the actual customer’s attorney’s fees and costs. This means if you want to employ a Burbank Lemon Law Attorney, it will not cost you anything out of pocket and our fees are settled once we win your case.

“Burbank is 12 miles northwest of downtown Los Angeles. Many media and entertainment companies are headquartered or have significant production facilities in Burbank, including The Walt Disney CompanyWarner Bros. EntertainmentNickelodeon and Insomniac Games.” (Wikipedia) 

Warner Bros. Burbank, CA,


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